Baby James | Nursery

As I sit back and look at this room I cannot believe we only have a few weeks until we meet our first child. Thankful for God's grace and this little life growing inside of me. I cannot wait to find out if our first born will be a boy or a girl! Since we are waiting to find out, one question I get a ton is 'how are you decorating the nursery?' So, I decided do a little blog of our baby's room!

This is on the wall when you first enter the room. My sweet friend, Dustin, was raising money for their adoption and I asked her to make this for me. It's from my absolute favorite hymn and my prayer for our little! 

We decided to keep our daybed in the nursery for convenience or if we do have extra guest. I had way too much fun picking out throw pillows to match the room. I am a *little* obsessed with throw pillows and I've even added some more since I have taken these photos! 

These figurines were from our trip from Africa 2 years ago. The moment I saw them I told Matt I want those in our nursery one day! They are perfect and serve as a sweet reminder of this big world we live in.

The wood sign will eventually have the name of our little one on it.....and the weave basket/plate is also from Africa. I wish I could tell you the globe had some sentiment attached to it, but it's just a globe from Target. ;) 

Eventually there will be a photo collage on the wall above the glider...which will include this sweet frame that my friend, Katie, got me! 

I am in love with our mobile that my mom bought Baby James from Etsy!  

The parrot sign is a coffee bag from Costa Rica! Matthew's mom gave it to us and he framed it long before we were pregnant. It goes with the theme of the room, so I decided to hang it in the nursery.

Another handmade sign from Dustin! 

Matt's sister made the sweetest quilt for Baby James that matched the nursery. I could have not picked out a more perfect quilt! She even found patchwork throw pillows to match the quilt that I added on the daybed. Love, love, love! 

The armoire (which we have had forever) holds our make shift changing "table" and some drawers for Baby James clothes. The baskets screwed in on the side were from Dollar Tree. (Easy $3 decor!) 

Not that I am this believer in fortune cookies, but this is the one I got the day before we found out we were expecting. It says, "You will soon experience great wonder." This frame will also be in the collage....when we get to it. ;)

My friend, Ashley, was super thoughtful and made us a growth chart for Baby James + future kiddos! 

(This was taken a few weeks back by my husband when Baby James and I were much smaller)
We are officially as ready as we can possibly be, just waiting on baby!

Cousino Family | Triplet Newborns

Cade Family | Photography by Jessica James